Issue: On Healers (September 2023)
Issue: On Healers (September 2023)
Issue: On Healers (September 2023)
Issue: On Dignity (July 2023)
Issue: On Dignity (July 2023)
Issue: On Dignity (July 2023)
Issue: On Dignity (July 2023)
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
Two and a half years later, her voice still haunts me. From the other side of the fence, I hear her yell at her children as they play in the backyard. It’s a sunny day, and my wife and I are riding our bikes on a path that runs right beside this family’s home. We are enjoying a weekend vacation in Ashland, four hours south of our own home in Salem, Oregon. A blissful afternoon, we are all unaware that, just two days later, a fire will race up the path we’re riding on. It will level this entire neighborhood to the ground, including the mobile home we just passed, with the door that just clacked shut. Whole communities in several towns will be completely wiped out by just one fire – one of the many fires about to explode across our state. This particular fire, the Almeda fire, will consume 2,600 homes and three lives. Throughout the 2020 wildfire season in Oregon, at least twenty-one fires will each burn more than a thousand acres or cause significant structural damage or death. Over a million acres will burn, 40,000 people will be evacuated, and at least eleven people will be killed.
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
The lessons we learn from accompanying people as they die can help inform our understanding of the care that Quaker meetings need as they change and age. While closure is an expected and important part of any life, including the life of a meeting, in our youth-focused culture, it can be hard to tend this part of our life cycle. We believe that Quakers are missing some important opportunities for deep spiritual experiences and growth when we don’t address these challenges. Here, we will consider what it might mean to tend the Spirit and the spiritual life of a meeting that is in the later stages of its life.
Issue: On Loss (May 2023)
Issue: On Perception (March 2023)
Issue: On Perception (March 2023)
Issue: On Perception (March 2023)
Issue: On Conflict (January 2023)
Issue: On Conflict (January 2023)
Issue: On Conflict (January 2023)
Issue: On Conflict (January 2023)
Friends are doing a lot of reevaluation these days, reexamining our past and our venerable Quaker ancestors. In some cases, when moral inconsistencies emerge into the open, reexamination means that some iconic Friends are losing their luster. In other cases, stories of early Friends’ messy lives help us to see their humanity, which can lend greater depth and nuance to their spiritual writings. This happened for me when I read Chad Thralls’ May 2011 article in Friends Journal on the “embodied” life of Thomas Kelly. Learning how Kelly confronted his inner demons through surrender to Spirit increased my appreciation of his lyrical testimony.
Issue: On Conflict (January 2023)
Issue: On Science (November 2022)
Issue: On Science (November 2022)
Issue: On Science (November 2022)
Issue: On Science (November 2022)
On February 24 this year, Russia invaded Ukraine. For now, I ask you to set aside all history and politics. I ask you to step back with me to that moment when I realized in terror that terror had just filled a country I had visited many times, where I had friends, where there was a Quaker meeting and facilitators for the Alternatives to Violence Project. The invasion couldn’t be happening . . . but it was.
Issue: On Normality (July 2022)
Issue: On Normality (July 2022)
Issue: On Normality (July 2022)
Issue: On Normality (July 2022)
Issue: On Normality (July 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Place (May 2022)
Issue: On Alternatives (March 2022)
Issue: On Alternatives (March 2022)
Issue: On Alternatives (March 2022)
Issue: On Alternatives (March 2022)
Issue: On Alternatives (March 2022)
Issue: On Freedom (January 2022)
Issue: On Freedom (January 2022)
Issue: On Freedom (January 2022)
Issue: On Words (November 2021)
Issue: On Words (November 2021)
Issue: On Words (November 2021)
Issue: On Words (November 2021)
Issue: On Words (November 2021)
Issue: On Cliques (September 2021)
Issue: On Cliques (September 2021)
Issue: On Cliques (September 2021)
Issue: On Debt (July 2021)
Issue: On Debt (July 2021)
Issue: On Debt (July 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Tricks (May 2021)
Issue: On Relevance (March 2021)
Issue: On Relevance (March 2021)
Issue: On Relevance (March 2021)
Issue: On Relevance (March 2021)
Issue: On Vision (January 2021)
Issue: On Vision (January 2021)
Issue: On Vision (January 2021)
Issue: On Vision (January 2021)
Issue: On Vision (January 2021)
Issue: On Rules (November 2020)
Issue: On Rules (November 2020)
Issue: On Rules (November 2020)
Issue: On Rules (November 2020)
Issue: On Teachers (September 2020)
Issue: On Teachers (September 2020)
Issue: On Teachers (September 2020)
Issue: On Teachers (September 2020)
Issue: On Teachers (September 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Secrets (July 2020)
Issue: On Wealth (May 2020)
Issue: On Wealth (May 2020)
Issue: On Wealth (May 2020)
Issue: On Wealth (May 2020)
Issue: On Art (March 2020)
Issue: On Art (March 2020)
Issue: On Art (March 2020)
Issue: On Art (March 2020)
Issue: On Art (March 2020)
Issue: On Mediation (January 2020)
Issue: On Mediation (January 2020)
Issue: On Control (July 2019)
Issue: On Control (July 2019)
Issue: On Control (July 2019)
Issue: On Control (July 2019)
In the September/October 2018 issue of Western Friend, “On Children,” I wrote about my experiences as a Child Protective Services (CPS) social worker. Much of what I described about investigating child abuse concerned “control.” For example, my Quaker practices of listening in silence and discernment helped me “learn the rules so you can break them properly,“ as the Dalai Lama recommends. “The rules” in this case were Washington State’s Child Protection Laws and the policies of CPS, which attempt to control the behavior of parents by enforcing norms to restrict physical discipline of children and to achieve minimum levels of care. Those enforcement structures are the stick. The carrots used to control families are the programs that CPS offers to help them, as well as the refuge in foster homes that CPS offers to children when parents fail. Unfortunately, social workers can cause harm when they fail to use judgment and discernment in applying the laws appropriately in each unique situation. As Parker Palmer so beautifully describes, one of the paradoxes of life is that both control and spontaneous creativity are necessary for human flourishing.
Issue: On Control (July 2019)
Issue: On Puzzles (May 2019)
Issue: On Puzzles (May 2019)
Issue: On Puzzles (May 2019)
Issue: On Puzzles (May 2019)
Issue: On Water (March 2019)
Issue: On Water (March 2019)
Issue: On Water (March 2019)
Issue: On Weapons (January 2019)
Issue: On Weapons (January 2019)
Issue: On Weapons (January 2019)
Issue: On Mixture (November 2018)
Issue: On Mixture (November 2018)
Issue: On Mixture (November 2018)
Issue: On Mixture (November 2018)
Issue: On Mixture (November 2018)
Issue: On Children (September 2018)
Issue: On Children (September 2018)
Issue: On Bosses (July 2018)
I have had the privilege to spend my life attending to leadings of Spirit. My young adult years were largely spent living very simply, moving from an internship to an activist position to part-time jobs in the non-profit and education sectors, which allowed me to follow my own artistic leadings while paying attention to what might be next. I had the benefit of spiritual mentors who sometimes also happened to be my bosses and jobs in which I had little supervision and much freedom to live into my leadings. My spiritual life as a Quaker and my work life were closely intertwined, and were often also intertwined with my personal life as well. I co-founded an activist and ecumenical intentional community during this period.
Issue: On Bosses (July 2018)
Issue: On Expansion (May 2018)
Issue: On Expansion (May 2018)
Issue: On Expansion (May 2018)
Issue: On Expansion (May 2018)
Issue: On Music (March 2018)
Issue: On Music (March 2018)
Issue: On Music (March 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Captivity (January 2018)
Issue: On Garbage (November 2017)
Issue: On Garbage (November 2017)
Issue: On Home (September 2017)
Issue: On Home (September 2017)
Issue: On Home (September 2017)
Issue: On Politics (July 2017)
Issue: On Politics (July 2017)
Issue: On Politics (July 2017)
Issue: On Balance (May 2017)
Issue: On Balance (May 2017)
Issue: On Insight (March 2017)
Issue: On Insight (March 2017)
Issue: On Insight (March 2017)
Issue: On Insight (March 2017)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Flesh (November 2016)
Issue: On Media (September 2016)
Issue: On Media (September 2016)
Issue: On Media (September 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Heritage (July 2016)
Issue: On Limits (May 2016)
Issue: On Limits (May 2016)
Issue: On Beginning (March 2016)
Issue: On Beginning (March 2016)
Issue: On Beginning (March 2016)
Issue: On Beginning (March 2016)
Issue: On Beginning (March 2016)
Issue: On Countries (January 2016)
Issue: On Countries (January 2016)
Issue: On Countries (January 2016)
Issue: On Countries (January 2016)
Issue: On Money (November 2015)
Issue: On Money (November 2015)
Issue: On Money (November 2015)
Issue: On Play (September 2015)
Issue: On Play (September 2015)
Issue: On Play (September 2015)
Issue: On Play (September 2015)
Issue: On Play (September 2015)
Issue: On Difference (July 2015)
Issue: On Difference (July 2015)
Issue: On Needs (May 2015)
Issue: On Needs (May 2015)
Issue: On Needs (May 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Knowing (March 2015)
Issue: On Family (September 2014)
Issue: On Family (September 2014)
Issue: On Pride (July 2014)
Issue: On Pride (July 2014)
Issue: On Production (May 2014)
Issue: On Production (May 2014)
Issue: On Time (March 2014)
Issue: On Time (March 2014)
Issue: On Time (March 2014)
Issue: On Patriotism (January 2014)
Issue: On Patriotism (January 2014)
Issue: On Patriotism (January 2014)
I received more reaction to my posting, The Iconification of Nelson Mandela and American Racism, than for any other of the 257 postings that I had done in almost seven years. Some of the responses were supportive, some critical, and some “yes, but.” Below is my original newsletter article, followed by a sampling of the responses.
Issue: On Patriotism (January 2014)
Issue: On Patriotism (January 2014)
Issue: On Deception (November 2013)
Issue: On Deception (November 2013)
Issue: On Deception (November 2013)
Issue: On Deception (November 2013)
Issue: On Deception (November 2013)
Issue: On Love (September 2013)
Issue: On Superiority (July 2013)
Issue: On Superiority (July 2013)
Issue: On Consumption (May 2013)
Issue: On Consumption (May 2013)
Issue: On Power (March 2013)
Issue: On Power (March 2013)
Issue: On Power (March 2013)
Issue: On War (January 2013)
Issue: On War (January 2013)
Issue: On War (January 2013)
Issue: On War (January 2013)
The approach of Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s 50th anniversary in 2024 has me thinking back to the years before IMYM existed.
Issue: On Seeds (November 2023)
My father describes himself as “ethnically Catholic” and on every official document lists his religion as “COSMIC.”
Issue: On Seeds (November 2023)
I was born,
in Winter,
with a pocketful of seeds,
beans and basil,
onions and peas.
Issue: On Seeds (November 2023)
Be still – free of time and space.
Be free – in the eternal and the infinite.
Issue: On Seeds (November 2023)
The once-great forests of our land,
trees that blanketed the continent
with quilts of seasons, are gone –
Issue: On Seeds (November 2023)
For those of us watching the bloody conflicts in Israel-Palestine and Ukraine, I’m wondering what forgiveness means.
Issue: On Division (January 2024)
At the close of our business meeting last August, I felt a lack of Light in the room.
Issue: On Division (January 2024)
Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends (SCYMF) has just given $75,000 to the Kake Regional Cultural Healing Center in southeast Alaska.
Issue: On Division (January 2024)
I made the choice / to move forward / but I break my / own word
Issue: On Division (January 2024)
Body prayers are common spiritual practices throughout the world.
Issue: On Prayer (March 2024)
Over the years, my prayer journey has slowly grown to include prayers of gratitude.
Issue: On Prayer (March 2024)
Prayer is conversation, not a monologue.
Issue: On Prayer (March 2024)
When I joined Amigas del Señor Methodist-Quaker Monastery in 2006, I enjoyed the simple lifestyle.
Issue: On Prayer (March 2024)
A dove-white drapery is placed over a casket which cost several thousand dollars.
Issue: On Prayer (March 2024)
The Quaker community where I was raised spent a lot of time thinking about words. I remember sitting through business meetings as a child when the language of a single-sentence minute could be deliberated, revised, read back, and deliberated again more than a half dozen times before unity was reached.
Issue: On Tech (July 2024)
My life is shaped by computer science and my Quaker faith. Virtually no evolutionary process, including the evolution of faith, evolves in a straightforward line.
Issue: On Tech (July 2024)
Friends who had yearned for the quiet, human-centered, mystical experience from before the pandemic had to tolerate audiovisual equipment.
Issue: On Tech (July 2024)
Reading and listening differ from spoken feelings.
Issue: On Tech (July 2024)
I first met Red Stephenson in 1947 when I was five, shortly after our family moved from Eugene to Berkeley.
Issue: On Legacy (September 2024)
Even before we moved into this house, we heard the neighbors talking about the animals. Deer, of course, but also coyotes, owls, seasonal javelina, and an occasional sighting of a bobcat or mountain lion.