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Montana Gathering of Friends, statewide

Montana Gathering of Friends (MGOF) is a statewide fellowship which contains within it a monthly meeting that is also called Montana Gathering of Friends



Online worship:


Minute on Fear and Healing Thirty-seven of us met for the Montana Gathering of Friends, February 24-26, 2017, at Camp Make-a-Dream in Gold Creek, Montana, and something profound and deeply moving happened. As a community, we felt a deep and insistent calling during Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. The Clerk put aside most of the planned agenda, allowing Friends to worship together. We reflected on our own fear as well as the fear we see in response to the rise of hate and violence in our communities, and the targeting of many who are being labeled as different by their race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender identity, or sexual orientation, religion and political beliefs. The following Minute rose out of this Meeting.

Issue: On Politics (July 2017)
