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Memorials: Montana Gathering of Friends, statewide

Betty McCann Lovelady

Date of birth

Jan. 1, 1927*

Date of death

Oct. 19, 2016*


Montana Gathering of Friends, statewide
*Date(s) of birth and/or death approximate

Memorial minute

On Wednesday, October 19, 2016, one of our beloved elders, Betty McCann Lovelady, age 89, returned to the Light, lovingly cared for by all four of her children. Thus, ended her illustrative career as peace activist, friend of Bill’s, civil rights champion, death-with-dignity advocate, and many other righteous causes. Spiritual, generous, and honest, she was a loving friend, wife, and mother. Sharing her experience, strength, and hope was what she did best and she benefited from others doing the same. Betty will be remembered by her family, friends, and recovery community for her indomitable spirit, her outspokenness, and her enormous heart which welcomed everyone. Betty was, and remains a force of Light and Love in the communities who knew her. She stood for what she knew to be right, and true in all things.