Western Friend is directed by the Board of Directors of Friends Bulletin Corporation. The board is composed of three members each from Pacific, North Pacific, and Intermountain Yearly Meetings. It meets three times a year, rotating among different regions within the three yearly meetings. Board meetings are typically hosted by local Friends Meetings.
The board sets strategic direction for Western Friend and oversees the financial health of Friends Bulletin Corporation. Board members also actively engage with Friends throughout the three yearly meetings, to incorporate wisdom from many Friends when setting direction for Western Friend.
Community Commitment: As a Quaker organization, Western Friend staff and board of directors believe in the inherent dignity and equal worth of each person and their voice, and in each person’s unique access to the Divine. We honor and uphold all living beings, regardless of differences. We are committed to the peaceful existence and expression of a full creative and healthful life for all. This commitment goes beyond nondiscrimination to include active participation in empowerment and laboring along with diverse communities to resist and transform the forces of diminishment. We do this through our connections and publications.
Photo from 4/19/2024 – Top row: Nancy Wilkinson, Mary Klein, Tom Head; Second row: Mary Hansen, Molly Wingate, Jay Thatcher; Third row: LJ Lanny Jay, Gabe Erstgaard, Larry Newton; Bottom row: Bob Barnard (Bob's photo from earlier).