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Friends have faith that the direct and unmediated experience of the Divine is available to everyone. That which Quakers call the inward Light lives in each human being. Faith is inseparable from practice. This book of Faith and Practice, published in 2009, is a reference and guide to Friends, who are encouraged to assume personal responsibility for making their lives give active and living witness to their faith.
Year of publication: 2016
Price $15.00
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This third edition of NPYM’s Faith and Practice reflects the growing experience of NPYM Friends, who seek to follow the Inner Light. The intent of the book is to be descriptive, not prescriptive. While the book is still intended as a reference for “What do we do when . . .” it offers a range of possibilities for different Quaker meetings that have different practices around given issues.
Year of publication: 2018
Available as an eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
Price $18.00
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The Quaker way emphasizes experience over religious belief or doctrine. This Faith and Practice attempts to describe the essence of our faith, the beliefs of Friends, and the structures and processes of Pacific Yearly Meeting and its Quarterly and Monthly Meetings. The book also explains the spiritual foundation of these processes and of our way of worship. It should be of interest and value to newcomers and old-timers alike.
Year of publication: 2001
Price $15.00
From friends of Western Friend: Edited by Rosalie Grafe of Quaker Abbey Press. Beth Blodgett (Sister Alegria) and Prairie Naoma Cutting (Sister Confianza) establish a Protestant monastery near the northern coast of Honduras. These are their letters home about learning to use sustainable living methods, local cooking and planting tips, and monastic values and practices to establish their women's monastery. These accounts read like frontier women's diaries, including privation, danger, and humor.
Year of publication: 2010
Available as an eBook from Amazon.
Price $15.00
What is inner strength? How does it help shape effective leaders and organizations? This collection of essays from contemporary American leaders is a wealth of personal reflections on these questions. For study groups and newcomers to Quakerism, each section includes an introduction and queries for deeper exploration of listening, discernment, and action as led by the Spirit. Contributors include Margery Post Abbott, Shan Cretin, and Joe Volk.
Year of publication: 2013
Price $15.00
From a series of visits to “isolated Friends” in the Pacific Northwest, the interviews and photos in this collection reveal a wide variety of spiritual practices. This book bears witness to Friends who embody service, simplicity, seeking, and wonder in their ways of living. These Friends who maintain their faith and practice in isolated settings make time for silence and stillness – as wells of replenishment and sources of Light.
Year of publication: 2017
Available as an eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
Price $20.00
Gene Knudsen Hoffman dedicated much of her life to seeking out the deep, psychological causes of violence and to helping bring about healing and reconciliation through a process she calls “Compassionate Listening.” Her work inspired Leah Green to begin The Compassionate Listening Project, whose workshops have taught hundreds of people how to listen with their hearts and well as minds. This collection of writings sheds light on Hoffman’s life and inspiration.
Year of publication: 2005
Price $18.00
For fifteen years, EarthLight magazine published articles to celebrated the living Earth. The magazine featured many of the world’s seminal thinkers about the place and participation of humankind in creation. This anthology embodies what we feel is the best of EarthLight and of Quaker writers on spirituality and ecology during the past twenty years, a period that some see as the beginning of a new era, and “Ecological Age.”
Year of publication: 2000
Price $10.00
This spiritual autobiography integrates perspectives of early Quakers, Zen Buddhists, and contemporary Christian thinkers. Smith draws from these sources as he tells a personal tale of his Quaker childhood, his years of spiritual crisis, and his ultimate return to Quakerism by way of Zen Buddhism. Along the way, Smith explores and explains the Quaker peace testimony and liberal Quaker views of gender, power, education, and care for the natural world.
Year of publication: 2015
Available as an eBook from Amazon.
Price $22.00
“How have you experienced God or the Divine?” With this query, Western Friend invited Quakers across the West to share their stories through art, poetry, fiction, and essays. The contributions of over fifty Friends are gathered in this testament to the breadth of spiritual experience in the Religious Society of Friends. This collection of essays, poetry, and fiction creates a rich devotional text which offers many textures, tastes, and glimmers of God.
Year of publication: 2009
Price $15.00
From friends of Western Friend: In this chronicle of the development of Amigas del Señor Monastery in rural Honduras, Sisters Alegría and Confianza tell of the joys, struggles, and adventures they encounter in a country beleaguered by poverty and violence. Sharing in a Covenant of Caring with Multnomah Monthly Meeting, the two women are perpetually professed Methodist Sisters, working to improve healthcare at a local clinic, while walking a path of spiritual insights.
Year of publication: 2017
Available as an eBook from Amazon.
Price $15.00
“This book will help Friends explore some of the spiritual depths of our tradition by going past resistance we may have to theological terms we have rejected. Both Christian and non-Christian Friends willing to wrestle with early Quaker theology will be blessed by this account of how Margery Post Abbott grappled with it and found deep spiritual meaning and divine transforming power.” – Quaker author Marcelle Martin.
Year of publication: 2011
Available as an eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and in the Apple Bookstore.
Price $20.00
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