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48 Windows

[This article is abridged from a longer version, which is at: https://westernfriend.org/media/48-windows-campaign-unabridged]

On Wealth (May 2020)

48 Windows Are Being Fitted

Dear Friends: My story, “48 Windows,” ran in Western Friend, May/June 2020. Through the readership, I received donations from twenty individuals and one Meeting – Kalamazoo Friends Meeting in Michigan. With your support, we raised about $4,000, enough for thirty windows that have now been fitted.

On Teachers (September 2020)

Invitation to FWCC in Sacramento

To Friends everywhere: What will be the future of Friends in the 21st Century?  What must we do and be to truly undo the blockages that keep the Living Water from flowing in us and through us individually and corporately?  Do we know what purposes God would have us serve?  How do we communicate across cultural and language lines?  Who will lead and how will we lead?

On Patriotism (January 2014)