Dear Friends: My story, “48 Windows,” ran in Western Friend, May/June 2020. Through the readership, I received donations from twenty individuals and one Meeting – Kalamazoo Friends Meeting in Michigan. With your support, we raised about $4,000, enough for thirty windows that have now been fitted.
Work on the windows could not have come at a more opportune time. Kenya’s COVID-19 left many Kaimosi families without work or income. Many had only one meal a day. About fifty villagers were employed to carry sand, bricks, cement, weld, and install the windows. They were able to feed their families.
Donations came from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, California, Michigan, Washington, Colorado, and New Jersey. When our facility opens, we will honor and display this friendship on our “Wall of Friends.” Continue praying and holding us in light. Asante Sana – Swahili for “Thank you.” ~~~
– Billy Jivetti, Pathways Africa-Missouri and Albuquerque Friends Meeting (IMYM)