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Pages tagged "IRS"

Peace Tax Fund Advocates Needed

Dear Friends: The National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund is seeking a volunteer in each congressional district to communicate with their representative about the Peace Tax Fund Bill and urge its passage. Time commitment is two to four hours a month.

On Flesh (November 2016)

Tax Season

Dear Friends: April is the season for pondering the U.S. income tax system and the fact that about half our tax dollars are used to support the Department of Defense, even when the US is not engaged in any major conflict in the world. 

On Time (March 2014)

War Tax Resisters’ Penalty Fund

Dear Friends: It’s tax time, again, as we move towards April 15 with so much uncertainty in the future of this country and around the world. As a Quaker and war tax resister, I’ve appreciated the good works and financial support provided for resisters through the War Tax Resisters’ Penalty Fund (WTRPF).

On Competition (January 2017)