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War Tax Resisters’ Penalty Fund

Steve Leeds
On Competition (January 2017)

Dear Friends: It’s tax time, again, as we move towards April 15 with so much uncertainty in the future of this country and around the world. As a Quaker and war tax resister, I’ve appreciated the good works and financial support provided for resisters through the War Tax Resisters’ Penalty Fund (WTRPF).

WTRPF began on the early 1980’s and was founded by a group of peace activists and a project of the North Manchester, Indiana, Fellowship of Reconciliation.

WTRPF, through mutual support, aids war tax resisters who consciously and publicly refuse to pay federal taxes that promote militarism at home and war abroad. The penalty fund encourages war tax resisters who have been collected upon to apply for financial support for penalties and interest seized by the Internal Revenue Service. For many resisters, the penalty and interest can be up to 25% of their tax liability, which is a significant burden. Up to three times a year as needed, the WTRPF steering committee reviews documents received from war tax resisters and appeals to the membership list. The total amount in penalties and interest requested is divided by the number on that list in what we call a “share”. We strive to keep each “share” for our members at $30.00 or less, but at times ask for more depending on need. In providing this support, WTRPF hopes to sustain and grow war tax resistance as a form of conscientious objection to war. 

Whether you are a Friend who resists war taxes in various ways and/or support war tax resisters, please consider supporting the work of WTRPF. You can support this endeavor by spreading the word among Friends in general and to war tax resisters in your monthly meeting and beyond, by requesting to be on our email/mail list, and by making a donation to the fund. For more information, visit our website, http://wtrpf.nwtrcc.org or send an email to me at [email protected]

Thank you, Friends, and may 2017 be a year of peace and justice for all.

– Steve Leeds, San Francisco Friends Meeting (PYM)

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