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Pages tagged "Children"

Family Planning

Dear Editor: When I saw Friend Richard Grossman’s letter to the editor on reproduction (Nov-Dec 2014), my heart leapt for joy. I am a contemplative Methodist-Quaker nun living on the north coast of Honduras, and I volunteer once a week at the Public Health Clinic in Limón, Colón. My experiences as a pediatrician are typical of any part-time health care provider in rural Honduras.

On Reconciliation (January 2015)

First Day Fun

Dear Editor: I am so enjoying the kids’ section in Western Friend.  It has gotten me through more than one First Day School, and with the variety of ages in our program it’s a very big help.  I can’t wait to do the race at Easter, where everyone tries to race to the rope at the same time for a picture!

On Needs (May 2015)

First Day School Lesson Plans

Dear Editor: As I have said before, I love the “Pages for All Ages.” Reading all the themes that you have planned in the months ahead (money, beginning, limits, etc.), this one comes to mind for me: “First Day School Lesson Plans.” I am sending you a few that I have developed, which you can share with other Friends, and I’ll share more with you soon. I have this fantasy that if we are prepared, children will show up!

On Difference (July 2015)

From Problems to Perfection

Our problems exist because we are all complicit, each and every one of us. We value our own convenience over the livability of our planet. We value our own convenience over the legacy we leave for our children and grandchildren. If there is such a thing as sin, this is it.

On Reconciliation (January 2015)

John Woolman, Pure and Simple

Some words and phrases to know before you read

On Needs (May 2015)

Little People

Dear Editor:  We were excited to see your photos on the front and back covers of the new Western Friend (Sept/Oct 2015), showing the little Fisher Price people. Our grandson, who will be two in November, LOVES the ones that belonged to our son, his father. Recently, he put them facing each other and turned to us explaining, “Talking.” The next week, when I played a CD of a singer we’d heard at the Farmers Market, he lined them up to listen. Many of them represent us! In your photos, the one in the cap is his “Dada.” This is all done with no input from us, and we find it amazing and wonderful. Here’s a pic of Zander’s arrangement of his “people” listening. Cheers for play!

On Money (November 2015)

On Play (letter)

Dear Editor:  It was wonderful to see an entire issue of Western Friend devoted to play! (Sept/Oct 2015) As a retired childcare director who believes in the value of play for young children, I am thrilled.

On Money (November 2015)

Puzzles and a Game (March/April 2014)

Here are some puzzles to do on your own and a game to play with friends.

On Time (March 2014)