Published: Dec. 2, 2022
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) now invites young adults to apply for the 2023-2024 program year (summer to summer) of its Young Adult Program Assistant program.
Chosen applicants work as full-time staff members of FCNL from Summer 2023 to Summer 2024, collaborating with key staff members to build expertise in advocacy from a public interest perspective. Benefits include salary, health care, paid vacation, and sick leave. Fellows work under the title “Program Assistant” and work directly with FCNL staff, gaining first-hand knowledge of the legislative process and the organizing and communications work that is necessary for policy change.
Eligibility for these positions include being 21 years of age and being able to work in person from an office environment starting Summer 2023.
The deadline for all applications and materials is February 10, 2023.
from Clare Carter, Friends Committee on National Legislation (12/2/2022)