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When the Spirit Calls

Published: Nov. 6, 2020


When the Spirit Calls: Engaging the Challenges of Ministry by Jay Marshall has just been published by FGC QuakerPress.

The book, Jay writes, “…urges a radical shift in our understanding of ministry, of our perception of our place in the world, and the contributions we make to it. No matter what part of the Quaker world in which you’ve chosen to live,” he adds, “God calls everyone to something.”

If your meeting book discussion group plans to read When the Spirit Calls, author Jay Marshall is available to talk with your book group via Zoom for an hour one evening after everyone’s read the book. For more information, email Ellen Michaud, at ellenmichaud-AT-gmail-DOT-com

Click here to read Ellen Michaud’s review of When the Spirit Calls.

from Ellen Michaud, FGC QuakerBooks (11/5/2020)