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What Does It Mean to Love the Other?

Published: March 26, 2021


To All Friends from the Neighbor Islands and Mainland, wherever you may be, you are invited to participate:

Honolulu Friends Meeting 2021 Spring Gathering
“Love Thy Neighbor, No Exceptions”
Friday, April 16, to Sunday, April 18, 2021
Click here to register.
Or email us with your full name at: quakers-AT-hawaiiquaker-DOT-org

We will hold this gathering by Zoom. Although it will be a different format than in years past, we are excited about the opportunity to more intimately speak and listen.

During the past year, Worship & Ministry has been in discussion about racism and the Black Lives Matter movement.  As a continuation of this topic, the online Spring Gathering will pursue the scope of the topic further. What does it mean to love our neighbors, and particularly to love those who are for us individually difficult to love? 

On Friday evening (after your supper) 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., we will focus on those who inspire us and address the query, “What does it mean to love the Other?”

On Saturday, April 17 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., we will break into small Worship Sharing groups. After everyone’s lunch, from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m., there will be time for worship, a presentation on content from Matthew Legge’s book, “Are We Done Fighting,” and individual journaling concerning ourselves and our world, and even a challenge to solve difficult case studies. Group discussion will wrap up the program.

On Sunday, April 18 at rise of worship (11:30 a.m.), participants will have the opportunity to define for themselves what it means to actively Love, with No Exceptions, the Other and those we each find difficult to love.

We hope you can join us.

from Karli Wheeler and Dana Teton, Honolulu Friends Meeting