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Website Help for Quaker Meetings

Published: Feb. 24, 2024

Dear Friends,

Pullman-Moscow Meeting [on the border of Washington and Idaho] is a small meeting with simple needs for our website. When I learned that the “Quaker Meetings Network,” based in England, was making a special offer to meetings in the U.S. – in response to the demise of Quaker Cloud – I signed up for their free trial.

Using their website editor, I was able to put together a basic website for our meeting in just a couple hours. (http://pmmmfriends.org/) We are using only part of the offered capabilities. My primary motivation for encouraging our meeting to take advantage of this offering was that, since the demise of hosting at xxx.quaker.org, I have been hosting our meeting website in a personal account, but I believe it should be hosted in an account under Meeting control.

I have corresponded with the owners of Quaker Meeting Network (QMN), and they have confirmed that, as long as a meeting registers before April 1, 2024, it can subscribe for a two-month free trial. When that free trial ends, the meeting must make a decision about whether to purchase a basic annual plan ($150/year), which would start immediately when the free trial period ends. This basic plan is sufficient for the needs of Pullman-Moscow Meeting. The cost increases if a meeting needs to purchase more storage, or email accounts, or asks QMN to handle the meeting’s existing domain name. For comparison, the cheapest WIX plan is $16/month ($192/year).

Hopefully, we will also benefit from “connection” and “visibility” advantages by being part of this Quaker website network.

Click here visit Quaker Meeting Network, U.S.

Click here for more details.

from John Gotts, Pullman-Moscow Friends Meeting (2/13/2024)

Topics:  Life of the Meeting / Life of the Society
Tags:  technical support websites