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Violence-Interrupter Programs

Published: June 23, 2023


Dear Friends,

While the growing number of high-profile mass shootings continues to make news, these events represent just a fraction of the toll that gun violence extracts. Community-level shootings, acts of intimate partner violence, and suicides comprise most gun violence incidents in this country.

These occurrences rarely receive much publicity because of their frequency and the communities they impact the most.

That is why in March 2023, FCNL brought hundreds of young advocates to Washington, D.C., for our Spring Lobby Weekend. Together they lobbied Congress to invest in violence interrupter programs – community-based programs that use peacebuilding approaches to stop violence before it happens.

Click here to read about this year’s FCNL Spring Lobby Weekend.

from Jessie Palatucci, Friends Committee for National Legislation (6/22/2023)