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Update on Congo Mudslides

Published: May 26, 2023


Dear Friends,

Earlier this month, giant floods let loose gargantuan landslides in these villages in eastern Congo, which is where MY Black African child slaves dig for the mineral coltan, which is necessary for your cellphones and computers, and where war has raged for 27 years, with more than seven million dead.The falling rocks from the mudslides covered both villages. 458 bodies were recovered. However, some 4,500 are buried below the rocks. Imagine children walking on these rocks, knowing that their mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, are buried beneath

With $12,000 collected from coffee growers, my colleague Herman Chirihambali went back, and distributed some small amounts of money (roughly $20 each) to 600 families.

[Click here for Extra Extra item from 5/20/2023 about this situation.]


More later.

from David Albert, Friendly Water for the World (5/25/2023)