Published: April 24, 2020
Thursdays with Friends is a new online conversation series brought to you during this period of great difficulty when we are isolated from our loved ones. It is a brief 30-minute community chat on issues that Quakers and people of faith are compelled to continue to work on, whatever the circumstances we find ourselves in.
This online community conversation will be conducted via Zoom, using enhanced security protocols, and live streamed on YouTube and Facebook. It airs every other Thursday from 4:00-4:30 p.m. EDT, May-April, 2020.
Thursdays with Friends is hosted by FCNL General Secretary Diane Randall. It features FCNL lobbyists and Friends.
Whether we are gathered in person or online, we are convinced by our faith and experience to continue building the peaceful, just, equitable, and sustainable global community we seek.
Learn more about specific conversations and register here.
from Diane Randall, FCNL General Secretary (re April-May 2020)