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The Battered Earth

Published: Feb. 3, 2023


The Battered Earth: Injury, Loss, and Healing

An Online Lecture with Beverly Ward
Monday, February 6, 2023
4:30 PM Pacific = 5:30 PM Mountain
Click here to register.

Beverly Ward has a concern: “We consider that Quakers could be poised to become midwives and comforters of the challenging times ahead of us.”

In this lecture, Beverly will invite participants to join her in sharing concerns on the urgency of climate collapse, reflecting on the environmental, interspecies, and intraspecies impacts of humans. Her reflection will draw on lived experiences including environmental and climate justice advocacy and research, decolonization, and service.

What in our Quaker practice prepares us for this midwifery? Who are our docents? Beverly will share thoughts, gleanings, and plans for future work on grief and loss; and she will share how we can support each other through this transition, seeking to repair and heal ourselves, our communities, and the battered earth.

Beverly Ward is field secretary for earth care for Southeastern Yearly Meeting. Her publications include "Making Black Communities Matter: Race, Space, and Resistance in the Urban South."

from Alex Morrison, Pendle Hill