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Seeking Assistant Web Keeper

Published: April 13, 2024


North Pacific Yearly Meeting (NPYM) is hiring an Assistant Webkeeper to work with our talented, kind, and diligent Webkeeper John Gotts. The Assistant will be mentored by John and our IT Committee. Over time, there is the potential to develop into an understudy for the Webkeeper position. The contract and full description are attached.

The deadline for submitting resumes or descriptions of experience is May 8, 2024.

Please submit these materials to Lew Scholl: lewscholl[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Initial tasks for the NPYM webkeeper assistant will be to assist in maintaining NPYM websites based in Google Sites (npym.org). Potentially, the assistant may also be engaged in supporting Annual Session by maintaining the annual session website (as.npym.org).

Skills required include an ability to edit websites built with Google Sites, competence with Word and Excel, fluency in English, ability to work independently as well as part of a team, familiarity with the Religious Society of Friends.

Payment for these services will be approximately $25.00 hourly, depending on the person’s skills and knowledge.

Click here to read the full contract and job description.

from Celia Castle, South Seattle Friends Meeting (4/12/2024)

Topics:  Help Wanted / Position Filled