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Request for Support in Honduras

Published: Jan. 6, 2023


Dear Friends, I am sharing with you a support request for the Sisters of the Methodist monastery, Amigas del Senor, in Honduras. As many of you know, the Sisters are in a covenant relationship with Multnomah Monthly Meeting.

Due to Sister Alegria's failing health, Sister Confianza's work and responsibilities have increased significantly, and she would very much appreciate our support in whatever way we can offer it, but particularly in the form of, ideally, a pair of folks who could spend a minimum of one month with them, as soon as January, if at all possible. Being able to speak Spanish is not necessary, but desirable.

Please contact either:

Sister Confianza at amigashonduras[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Melissa Nickerson at nickerme[AT]hotmail[DOT]com or 804-252-1770


from Melissa Nickerson, Multnomah Monthly Meeting, Portland, OR (12/20/2022)