Published: April 22, 2022
A video from our session “Quakers, Prisons, and State Legislators – What Can We Accomplish?” (2/25/2022) is now available.
On the resource page of the Quaker State-Level Legislative Action Network (QSLAN), you can find the number of prison-related bills by state in the tracking tool provided by the National Council on State Legislatures, using their categories. It is striking that one of the pathways Quakers follow most often – diversion and sentencing alternatives – is the least frequently pursued through legislation at state level (only 25 states and 38 bills). There may be big opportunities there. Do you have a success story with state-level legislation in that area to share?
QSLAN is looking for follow-up opportunities to swap experiences across states what Quakers are doing with state legislatures in prison-related areas. Please get in touch if you have a recent success story to share; we can arrange a Zoom session for you to do that and look for others with related stories.
from Susan Cozzens, Eastside Friends Meeting (4/18/2022)