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Quaker Women’s Theology Conference

Published: Feb. 12, 2021


In these times of hope and uncertainty, we know that the Pacific NW Quaker Women’s Theology Conference will be a meaningful way to re-connect, learn, and enjoy nature and each other's company after the covid-19 crisis is over. The conference theme “Cultivating Faith and Hope in Troubled Times” is ever more relevant.

But when will that be? The answer is not yet clear.

So, we want to hear from you!  We would like to know your thoughts, plans, and insights for this great conference. Please respond to our survey by February 20, 2021, which will help us tremendously as we plan when to hold the conference.

Please click here to respond to our survey.

Last spring, we postponed the 2020 Quaker Women’s Conference, originally scheduled for June, 2020 at Cascades Camp in Yelm, Washington. At that time, we rescheduled for June 9-13, 2021. As we move into 2021, great uncertainty remains. We have discussed options such as 

It would help us immensely to hear from you. 

from Judy Maurer, Quaker Women’s Theology Conference (2/9/2021)