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Quaker Values and Spiritual Accompaniment

Published: March 17, 2023


"What are you doing here?”

The interplay of Quaker Values and Spiritual Accompaniment in Quaker and Non-Quaker Settings
with Beth Kelly, Board Certified Coach

Thursday April 20-Sunday April 23, 2023
Quaker Hill Conference Center, Richmond, Indiana
And online
Click here to register and to learn more.

Spend a weekend considering how we as Friends engage in Spiritual Care in our multi-faith settings and with each other. How do hierarchies play out in Quaker and multi-faith settings alike? How do we explain what we do to different audiences? How do we maintain our own spiritual integrity as we accompany people with a variety of spiritual beliefs and practices? Through participatory workshops, insight sessions, and small group sharing, attenders will have a chance to engage Issues such as professional and spiritual authority, theological grounding, and the dynamics of seeking, finding and helping or accompanying others.

from Anne Supplee, Quaker Hill Conference Center