Published: Jan. 15, 2021
With Full Conviction Drama Project
In these strange and difficult times, the Palmers Players drama project continues to seek ways to build a peaceable community through the presentation of our play With Full Conviction, in which three marginalised and broken people – one of whom is gay – encounter one another, and find not only forgiveness and healing, but also a deeper sense of belonging.
Our presentation to the Oxford and Swindon Area Quaker Meeting took place on 9th January; it was attended by around 30 Friends and was very well received. We will continue to offer similar presentations to churches, faith groups and smaller charities in the UK, USA, and elsewhere. We will ask for donations in return for a Zoom link. We will also offer a one-off seminar on spiritual decision-making. This begins with a short contemplation on a passage from scripture, followed by sharing. It introduces the principles of decision-making, illustrated with examples from the experience with the With Full Conviction drama project, and how the use of imagination and our awareness of affective states, such as consolation and desolation, can inform our choices.
The With Full Conviction project remains an important opportunity for outreach, and for engaging with those beyond the Quaker community. We hope to extend our reach to those on the margins of our society, especially those who are LGBT+, with our clear message that all can be empowered through “walking and abiding” in the Light.
Click here to book a performance.
Not in Word Only Contemplative Prayer Course
We are running a free, contemplative prayer course, Not in Word Only, which is based on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Two separate groups are meeting at different times each week:
Sundays at 10:30 AM Pacific = 11:30 AM Mountain = 6:30 PM GMT
Thursdays at 7:30 AM Pacific = 8:30 AM Mountain = 3:30 PM GMT
It’s not too late to join a group, as you can catch up independently with the PDF of the course book. Furthermore, from the first week of February (time and day to be confirmed depending on the availability of those signed up), we will start our prayer course Remembering Without Ceasing, which investigates four 14th century English mystics. It is free to join and participants will be provided with a PDF of the course book.
Click here to sign up for the course.
from Neil Macdonald, Sussex West Area Quaker Meeting, England (1/13/2021)