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Quaker Institute for the Future 2023

Published: May 26, 2023



Here is news from a sister organization of Quaker Earthcare Witness:

Quaker Institute for the Future (QIF)
Summer Research Seminar 2023

July 17-21, 2023

There will be no registration fee; instead, participants in QIF videoconferencing seminars are encouraged to make donations to QIF that are within their means. Youth Grants in the amount of $500 are available to support activist/researchers aged 18-35.

QIF Summer Research Seminars create a venue for spirit-led research using Quaker methods of discernment and reflection. The seminars are centered around research presentations that occur within a setting of collaborative discernment conducted as a “meeting for worship for sharing.” Emphasis is placed on supporting those who choose to present the work that they are doing through worship together, along with additional time for questions, clarification, and discussion. Time is also reserved for theme-based discussions, worship sharing, artistic and other creative sharing, and informal interactions among participants. More information about summer research seminars is available here.

Click here to learn more.

from Shelley Tanenbaum, Quaker Earthcare Witness