Published: March 11, 2022
International Climate Policy: from Quiet Diplomacy to Youth Activism
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
60 minutes starting
10AM Pacific = 11AM Mountain
Please join us for a discussion with Kallan Benson (Fridays for Future USA Director and Friend from Annapolis, MD) and Lindsey Cook (QUNO Representative for Climate Change and Friend from Bonn, Germany).
Click here to learn more and to register.
Kallan will share about strategies for climate activism and Lindsey will share about advocacy priorities, such as the Right to a Healthy Environment. Both Kallan and Lindsey participated in COP 26 in Glasgow, approaching the situation from different perspectives. We will host a dialogue with both of them to share stories and explore collaboration.
Inspired by Greta Thunberg, Kallan went on a school strike in 2019, urging her state legislature to take climate action (see more). Since 2019, she has been the Director of Fridays for Future USA, coordinating youth activism nationally and linking with the international youth movement.
Lindsey Fielder Cook is the Representative for the Human Impacts of Climate Change, at the Quaker UN Office in Geneva (see more). Prior to her retraining in climate change and sustainable development, she worked with the UN on human rights and humanitarian efforts in conflict zones. Lindsey attended UN sessions on behalf of QEW prior to joining the QUNO staff in 2013
from Shelly Tannenbaum, Quaker Earthcare Witness