Published: July 29, 2019
Quaker Earthcare Witness has hosted an email discussion list for some years. During a recent server upgrade the list was deleted. We have a new list, but without contacts.
This is a request to past participants to rejoin, and an opportunity to those of you who might not have known about it to join it.
Once you have joined the list, you'll be able to post immediately, though you might want to wait a day until everyone else previously on the list has had a chance to rejoin as well.
QEW maintains this list to promote discussions and provide shared resources for Friends interested in earthcare. Members of the QEW discussion list should be connected in some way to a Quaker meeting or church, and they should be willing to follow these guidelines:
Thank you.
from Shelley Tannenbaum, Quaker Earthcare Witness (7/10/2019)