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Phoenix Meeting’s Minute on Abortion

Published: Dec. 9, 2022


Dear Friends:

On Sunday, December 4, 2022, at our regular Meeting for Worship for Business, Phoenix Monthly Meeting approved the attached statement on abortion. I am commissioned to send this statement to Quaker publications, other publications, all the monthly meetings within Intermountain Yearly Meeting, all ninety Arizona Legislators, and our newly elected Governor.

This statement came about in the traditional Friends' way. An individual (myself) brought her concern to the Ministry and Care Committee, which referred it to the Peace and Social Concerns Committee (PSCC) for seasoning. At the September PSCC meeting, there was general positive interest in the idea, but a need was felt for further refining of the statement and consideration by the wider Phoenix Quaker community. Input from all was invited.

A revised statement was brought to the October Meeting for Worship for Business, at which time there was general positive reaction to the idea, with the suggestion was made that we have a special Called Meeting for the purpose of wider discussion, with everyone in Phoenix Meeting invited to participate. That meeting occurred on November 20, at which time it was recommended that further refinements to the language be considered, again with an invitation to all in the Meeting to give input. After more input was received, a final revised proposed statement was sent around to all who had been present at the Called Meeting. There were no further changes suggested. Accordingly, The Peace and Social Concerns Committee brought a proposal to the December 4, 2022, Meeting for Worship for Business that the statement be approved by our meeting, signed by both our Co-Clerks, and disseminated widely.

Those of us who brought this statement felt general support from the meeting all along and even appreciation for bringing this concern forward. The final proposal was approved with a strong sense of unity, even while we felt increased concern about violent extremism in the United States. Also, I was impressed by how the final statement looks extremely different from the original. It is clear to me that one must trust in the process of allowing other Friends to give their spiritual best to improve upon an idea and make changes that had not been seen clearly at the outset.

Please contact me to learn more this statement and our process: nanmar4009[at]gmail[dot]com

from Nancy Marshall, Phoenix Friends Meeting (12/5/2022)