Published: Feb. 10, 2023
Dear Friends: I received the following message today from Justin Hurdle, FCNL’s Grass-tops Advocacy Manager.
Hi Tom,
I’ve attached some photos for confirmation. Thank you again for reaching out about this, we were very glad to do it. And I very much enjoyed reading Sandy’s Western Friend article about the process you all undertook. Sounds like they are reaching more and more yards every day!
And in case you hadn’t heard you, Representative Vasquez has been named to the House Armed Services Committee and the House Agriculture Committee. So he’ll be someone to continue building a relationship with as he’ll have a role in many of FCNL’s issues.
Please let me know if there’s anything else I or FCNL can do to be supportive in your, Sandy’s, or Gila’s advocacy. Happy to chat any time!
from Tom Vaughan, Gila Friends Meeting (2/6/2023)