Published: Oct. 2, 2021
Job Description: Administrative Assistant
Pacific Yearly Meeting is seeking a part-time, administrative assistant to provide support to the PacYM Clerk and Assistant to the Clerk. This position is a newly developed role with responsibilities that will be developed in coordination with the Clerk, the Assistant Clerk, and the PacYM Ministry Committee. The position will be supervised directly by the PacYM Clerk but will report to the Assistant Clerk for many routine tasks.
Applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to Laura Magnani, Incoming Clerk of Pacific Yearly Meeting, at clerk[AT]pacificyearlymeeting[DOT]org by end of day October 15, 2021. Questions may be sent to the Assistant to the Clerk, Heather Levien, at assistanttotheclerk[AT]pacificyearlymeeting[DOT]org.
Responsibilities may include:
Manage PacYM Zoom accounts
- Set up Zoom meetings on behalf of Officers and Committees
- Maintain a calendar of PacYM Zoom meetings
- Post and update the process for requesting a Zoom meeting on the PacYM website
Support Coordinating Team Calls
- Send out an email to all Officers, Committee Clerks, and Representative & Delegates to outside organizations after new Nominating slate is approved at Annual Session, with description of
- Coordinating Teams and list of who is on which team.
- Send polls to schedule Coordinating team meetings.
- Send agenda and Zoom link to each Coordinating Team member in advance of each meeting.
Support Representative Committee
- Identify location for in-person RepCom meetings, when appropriate Create the RepCom registration form and post on the PacYM website
- Draft and send the Call to Representative Committee in December. Include link to the registration form and the deadline for reports (usually 2 weeks before the start of RepCom).
- Post the template for Reports to Representative Committee on the PacYM website.
- Receive reports and work with submitters to address any problems with the reports. Work with the website editors to get the reports posted.
- Attend RepCom and be available to assist the Presiding Clerk as needed. Publicize deadline for reports to Annual Session at RepCom.
Work with an ad hoc committee on the possibility of a blended 2022 annual session, combining in-person and virtual attendance:
- Determine the capacity of Walker Creek to host online sessions
- Determine whether enhanced equipment would be necessary
- Make recommendations to Rep Comm
- Consider possibility of holding some but not all sessions as blended
- Consider possibility of holding some sessions as extended annual session, online only
- Explore possibilities other than the tent for the plenary sessions
Support Annual Session
- Email the Call to Annual Session to Officers, Committee Clerks, Reps & Delegates, and MM Reps as soon as the Presiding Clerk has it ready.
- Work with the Presiding Clerk to create a draft Annual Session schedule in collaboration with the Assistant to the Clerk
- Publicize the deadline for reports.
- Send out a “Registration is Open” email when Friends can begin registering for Annual Session.
- Receive reports and work with submitters to address any problems them.
- Collaborate with the website editors to have the reports posted.
- Draft and send the “2nd email” to all Annual Session registrants with information they will need prior to Annual Session.
- Attend Annual Session and be available to assist the Presiding Clerk as needed.
- Attend an evaluation meeting with all Committee Clerks at the close of Annual Session.
- Send out a post-session email to all Annual Session registrants
Special Projects Assigned by the PacYM Clerk, as time permits
Participation in the Society of Friends (Quaker) meetings and knowledge of Friends’ practices
Experience with the platforms that PacYM uses, including MS Office, Google Docs, Zoom, and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Good organizational skills
Attention to detail
Sense of humor!
Familiarity with the Pacific Yearly Meeting community
20 hours per week, flexible. Attendance at meetings, Rep Comm, and Pacific Yearly Meeting will be required.
$20,800 and insurance benefits