Published: April 30, 2021
Here is a series of talks from Wellesley Friends Meeting that I think will interest Friends in the West:
Speakers and topics in this series will be:
May 10, 2021 - Brent Bill on Jessamyn West, Indiana born author of Friendly Persuasion and other popular novels and screenplays
May 24, 2021 - Marty Grundy on Sandra Cronk, co-founder of School of the Spirit
June 7, 2021 – Andrew Polk on Howard Thurman, writer, civil rights leader, Baptist minister
June 21, 2021 - Anne Nash on Douglas Steere, professor, writer, Quaker activist and her father
Speakers will share for a half hour or thereabouts. We will break into small, random groups to reflect on how the life of each Friend speaks to our conditions. And then rejoin the larger group for some broader discussion. Please come, both to learn and to share of your own spiritual path.
We are grateful to have well-known author, Brent Bill from West Newton Friends Church of Indiana kick our sessions off. And we hope that any Friend or friend, from anywhere, will feel welcome to join us in our seeking!
Please join us a little early to allow for the process of admitting people into the main Zoom room.
from Donna Smith, Redwood Forest Friends Meeting (4/29/2021)