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Nonviolent Response to Aggression

Published: March 4, 2022


From Gail Thomas of Santa Monica Friends Meeting:
All are welcome to this event, sponsored by our meeting.

George Lakey:
Nonviolent Response to Aggression

Sunday, March 20, 2022
60 minutes (maybe more) starting
1:00 PM Pacific = 2:00 PM Mountain

Click here to attend the presentation.

Meeting ID: 288 711 054
Passcode: 593327

George Lakey is a member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting. He has taught peace studies at Haverford, Swarthmore, and the University of Pennsylvania. He was a member of the AFSC working party that published the book In Place of War: An Inquiry into Nonviolent National Defense (1967). His memoir, Dancing with History, will be published in the fall by Seven Stories Press.

George requests that participants read the following article before his presentation:

Ukraine Doesn’t Need to Match Russia’s Military Might to Defend Against Invasion

Friends might find these two articles helpful also:

Ukraine’s Secret Weapon May Prove to be Civilian Resistance

The Dangerous Assumption that Violence Keeps Us Safe


Click here to sign up for a new Quaker Peace Testimony discussion group.

Hosted by Andrea Harman of Palo Alto Friends Meeting.
