Published: Aug. 17, 2024
Dear Friends,
Last year Alaska Quakers raised $92,000 for construction of a community healing center in Kake, where Friends had operated a mission and provided teachers for a day school in the early 1900s. They have been building relationships with the community over the past few years, and now a descendant of one of the Quaker teachers has returned some objects that she had inherited to Kake .
Click here to read more about this return of Indigenous artifacts.
I'm wondering if other Quakers will find items that have come to them from family members who taught at the other Quaker schools.
Last year a Quaker in Wabash, Indiana, returned several pairs of moccasins that she found among her grandfather's belongings. He had served as superintendent of White's Manual Labor Institute, a Quaker-operated boarding school for Native children.
In our conversations with Friends about Quakers' role in the forced assimilation of Native children, let's raise this question. -
from Paula Palmer, Boulder Friends Meeting (8/10/2024)