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Nagasaki and Hiroshima Days – Virtual Demonstrations

Published: Aug. 5, 2022


Join the Virtual Demonstrations on Livermore Nuclear Weapons Labs

Saturday, Hiroshima Day, Aug 6, 2022
Nagasaki Day, Tuesday, Aug 9, 2022
Starting both days at
9:00 AM Pacific = 10:00 AM Mountain

Whistleblower Daniel Elsberg, a Hibakusha from Nagasaki, a peacemaker from Russia, and Marilea Kelley of Tri Valley Cares will be speaking.

Now more than ever we must speak out against the game of “nuclear chicken” that the US, Russia, and China are playing, which could kill hundreds of millions or billions of people.

Click here to learn more and to join.

from David Hartsough, San Francisco Friends Meeting