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Mennonite Disaster Service

Published: May 1, 2020


Given the financial upheaval caused by COVID-19 and the impact it is taking on congregations, I am submitting the attached story about the influx of applications coming in for the newly launched COVID-19 Congregational Relief Fund.

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), Everence, and Mennonite Central Committee U.S. (MCC U.S.) have joined together to launch the COVID-19 Congregational Relief Fund to support churches facing financial crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Fund is intended to assist churches with historic roots or relationships with the Anabaptist faith community. Priority is being given to racially and ethnically diverse churches serving in historically under-resourced communities. Given the relevance of this topic, we believe your readers would be interested in this story.

Click here for more information about the COVID-19 Congregational Relief Fund.

from Madalyn Metzger, Everence (4/28/2020)