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Meal with a Theme

Published: Oct. 30, 2021


This program started about three years ago. At first, our meetings took place in person, and we shared a meal . . . but the pandemic started. Last month, we resumed on zoom.

This is an outreach program to help persons who have shown an interest (or simply curiosity) to understand what Quakerism is.  However, it is not done through formal instruction, but by personal interaction.

We focus on reading Pendle Hill pamphlets written by current Quakers to try to understand what Quakerism is today, or, more precisely, to hear from individual Quakers their own perspective on Quakerism in this century, what they believe, what they think and what they do. It may appear that there are as many different Quaker beliefs as there are Quakers. 

We meet once a month and for now it is scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month. 

Generally, we read the new Pendle Hill pamphlet issued every other month. On the other months, we read Quaker material from other sources, such as Western Friend.

Our next session will be:

Wednesday, November 11, 2021
90 minutes starting at
7:00 PM Pacific = 8:00 PM Mountain
We will discuss What We Stand On, Pendle Hill Pamplet # 429 (2014).

You can order a copy from Pendle Hill by calling 1 (800) 742-3150 ext. 2.

If you would like to join our Meal with a Theme, contact me, and I will send you the zoom link.

If some individuals have started to attend your Monthly Meeting or through another path have shown an interest in Quakers, please suggest to them to attend “Meal with a Theme” and contact me.

Hubert Morel-Seytoux,  hydroprose[AT]sonic[DOT]net, (707) 576 6600