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Join Reparations from Friends to Indigenous Alaskans

Published: Nov. 3, 2023

To Friends Everywhere,

Alaska Friends Conference continues on its journey towards Right Relationships with Indigenous People and – having offered an Apology to Alaska Native People for Quakers Roles in the Boarding School era – we continue to listen for opportunities to offer reparations in support of healing and transformation.

In addition to running a boarding school in Douglas, Alaska from 1887 to 1912, Quakers also ran a mission and day school in Kake, Alaska, from 1891 to 1912. Currently, the Tribal Council of the Organized Village of Kake is working to create a Regional Cultural Healing Center for Alaska Native People in Southeast Alaska and have invited Quakers to help fund the beginning of this effort.

Historically, Quakers came from Kansas, Oregon, and California to serve as missionaries in Alaska, and Quakers around the country supported their missionary efforts. Today, Alaska Friends Conference invites Quakers around the country to join us in contributing funds towards the Kake Regional Healing Center in Kake, Alaska.

We hope to raise $75,000 by November 30, 2023.

Please click here to learn more.

from Jan Bronson and Cathy Walling, Alaska Friends Conference (11/3/2023)