Published: March 26, 2022
Dear Friends of Color,
Please join me at the event described below by Vanessa Julye.
Lori Patterson
Dear Friends,
After four virtual retreats and two virtual Gatherings since the start of the pandemic, the Friends General Conference Ministry on Racism stands ready to safely welcome Friends of Color to its first ever hybrid retreat at Menucha Retreat Center outside of Portland, Oregon, from Friday, May 13th through Sunday, May 15th, 2022!
FGC retreats for Friends of Color offer opportunities for worship, exploring our faith, sharing our practices, and supporting one another.
Will you join us?
Registration for the in-person portions closes on March 28! If there are fewer than ten in-person registrants, then we will convert to an all-virtual retreat.
Are you concerned about COVID? FGC now has a comprehensive Pandemic Health & Safety policy. Please look through it as you decide whether you will attend in-person.
Don't forget that Friends of Color retreats are pay-as-led, meaning that Friends who are unable to pay attend for free (and that those who can give more are encouraged to do so).
We look forward to seeing you virtually or in-person!
from Venessa Julye, Ministry on Racism Program Coordinator