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Help Pick FCNL Legislative Priorities

Published: Nov. 26, 2021


Discern legislative priorities for the Friends Committee on National Legislation in your Quaker community!

Every two years, Quaker meetings and churches around the country come together in community to discern FCNL’s legislative priorities for the next Congress. FCNL values your meeting or church’s worshipful input and guidance—we invite you to be a part of creating the legislative priorities that we’ll push for in Washington for the coming two years!

A good way to prepare for the priorities process is by getting a discernment meeting scheduled on your community’s calendar now, so that your circle of Friends has completed this process by April when the priorities are due. FCNL can offer support so that your meeting or church feels equipped to engage-- whether resources, volunteer/staff facilitation, or another form of support. You can view this guide on how to participate for ideas on how to best engage in your community. In addition, keep an eye on the mail in January, when FCNL’s policy committee will send your Quaker meeting or church instructions and resources for discernment!

If your community would like to participate, or if you have any questions about the priorities process whatsoever, please email Emma Hulbert, Program Assistant for Quaker Outreach, at ehulbert[AT]fcnl{DOT}org

Click here for an overview of how FCNL sets its legislative priorities.
Click here for a guide on how your meeting can participate.

from Emma Hulbert, Friends Committee on National Legislation (11/22/2021)