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Help Native Village Buy Ancestral Lands

Published: March 5, 2021


Dear Friends:

The Native Village of Tazlina, an Ahtna tribe near Glennallen, Alaska, is seeking donations and other funding to buy back a 450-acre plot of land that used to be the site of a regional Catholic boarding school. The Archdiocese of Alaska still owns the lands, and they have given Native Village of Tazlina till September, 2022, to raise the $1.8 million needed to buy the lands back. The tribe still has a long ways to go, but if it can raise $250,000 by October, 2021, it will be able to leverage a large land-trust grant.

These lands are prime riverfront property where a lot of tribal members have fish-camps. Locals I've talked to worry that if Tazlina can't raise the funds needed, the site could likely get sold to a sportfishing lodge developer.

Click here to donate.

Click here to read more about the tribe's efforts to buy back these lands.

from Odin Miller, Chena Ridge Friends Meeting, Alaska (3/2/2021)