Published: April 30, 2021
People have asked how we might help those who are effectively and non-violently opposing the military coup in Burma/Myanmar.
One of the greatest needs: support for those participating in the Civil Disobedience Movement. This movement has proven itself to be quite powerful but comes at a high personal cost for the teachers, medical workers, bank employees and government staff who have lost their salaries and, in some cases, their housing as a result of their opposition to the military.
From my many years of work with Volunteers in Asia, I know of two proven organizations that will send funds to those most in need. Both are recognized by the IRS as 501c3 organizations and respond with receipts for tax purposes. However, if you visit their websites, you won't find any mention of their work in funneling support to overcome the military coup, since this could put their in-country staff at great risk. I can assure you, though, that both organizations are effective in doing so.
For more details, please email me at: workintheworld-AT-clerks.pafm-DOT-org
from Dwight Clark, Palo Friends Meeting (4/26/2021)