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Guidelines for Indoor Gatherings

Published: Oct. 30, 2020


At my monthly meeting's last business meeting, I said I would review the most current research-based recommendations for meeting in person.  Here is what I found. It is mostly made up of relevant parts of the guidelines for indoor gatherings from the Centers for Disease Control.

Indoor Gatherings


The Safest Gathering is entirely virtual.

A Riskier Gathering is a hybrid of an outdoor in-person meeting and a virtual meeting. People in high risk groups, (ex. older adults, people with certain medical conditions) attend virtually. A lot of stuff is done to minimize risk in in-person gathering—cleaning, tape on ground, bathroom stuff, supplies, communication, etc. This is explained in more detail below. Masks are worn. (I assume this would be the case, even during vocal ministry. - DMc) The CDC document says, “Prioritize outdoor activities where social distancing can be maintained as much as possible.”

Even more risky is a hybrid indoor in-person meeting and a virtual meeting. People in high risk groups, (ex. older adults, people with certain medical conditions) attend virtually. A lot of stuff is done to minimize risk in in-person gathering—cleaning, tape on ground, bathroom stuff, supplies, communication, etc. This is explained in more detail below. Masks are worn. (Again, I assume this would be the case, even during vocal ministry. - DMc)

A more inclusive list of how risky various gatherings are is below in the CDC section

A More Detailed Sets of Recommendations

University  of Washington recommendations, 9/22/2020

Centers for Disease Control Guidelines

Adequate Supplies  

Ensure adequate supplies to support healthy hygienepdficon behaviors. Supplies include soap, water, hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol, paper towels, tissues, disinfectant wipes, masks (as feasible), and no-touch trash cans.

Signs and Messages 

Protections for Staff and Attendees who are at Higher Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19

Travel & Transit

Communal Spaces 

Physical Barriers and Guides 

Modified Layouts 

Communication Systems. Put systems in place to:



from Amy Cooke, Grass Valley Friends Meeting (10/18/2020)