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God’s Green Image

Published: March 25, 2022


Join us for this program co-led by Sister Confianza, a nun in Honduras, and Frank Granshaw, a geoscientist in Portland, OR.  Both were raised Methodist and are currently active in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Made in God’s Green Image

Five Thursdays
May 5 - June 2, 2022
90 minutes starting
10:00 AM Pacific = 11 AM Mountain
Click here for registration, opening soon.

Creation stories in the Bible describe a God who creates, tends, and takes joy in the natural world. Genesis 1:26 says that humans are made in God's image. How do we live that out? In the course of the program, we’ll explore relevant Bible passages, celebrate nature, and learn some of the science of climate change. Participants will have the opportunity to share thoughts and experiences around environmental issues and take steps toward climate mitigation and resilience. We’ll also hear creative solutions from around the world, including rural Honduras where Sister Confianza lives, and Frank’s experience as a COP-26 observer for Quaker Earthcare Witness. 

from Daniel Leán-Moctezuma and Ben Lomond Quaker Center