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Georgia in the Light

Published: Jan. 1, 2021


Friends – individually or collectively as monthly meetings – are invited to hold Georgia and our country in the Light on Monday, January 4, the eve of the Georgia election – to call upon the Light to guide us forward.

Friends are also invited to worship with Davis Friends Meeting in a special meeting for worship on January 4 – a meeting for worship to hold Georgia, her people, and her election in the Light.  Some members of the Atlanta Friends Meeting will be with us.

We hope Friends from many meetings will join us.

Meeting for Worship with a Concern for the Georgia Election

Monday, January 4
30 minutes starting
6:00 PM Pacific = 7:00 PM Mountain
Click here to join the meeting.
Meeting ID: 821 1096 5818
Passcode: 590717


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Meeting ID: 821 1096 5818


from Claudette Cervinka and Julie Harlow, Davis Friends Meeting (to be 1/4/2021)