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Future of Quakers – Recording

Published: April 18, 2020


Friends Committee on National Legislation hosted a lively online conversation on April 15, 2020, with Marge Abbott and Liz Nicholson, concerning β€œThe Future of Quakers.” 230 Friends from across the country tuned in.

Marge discussed how Friends connect to that spark within, listening for the Source of love and truth. Friends have a role to play in the changing world we live in, and Marge cast contemporary Quakers as bands of everyday prophets.

Liz lifted up several tools and practices that Friends have to offer as gifts for the future of Quakerism and our society. She spoke about carrying a vision of God and using our Quaker tools of listening and discernment to aid us as we live on the edges of turmoil.

Here's a link to the event recording.

from Bobby Trice, Friends Committee on National Legislation (4/17/2020)