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FCNL Leadership Opening

Published: March 11, 2022


Dear Friends,

I write to share news of an exciting new senior position with the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL): 

Associate General Secretary for Community and Culture

Please spread news of this opportunity far and wide in your networks and communities where it would be appropriate and as you are led. Thank you!

The Associate General Secretary for Community and Culture will lead FCNL’s efforts to build a strong culture of belonging and shared values within our organization. Working closely with other leaders who engage our growing network, the AGS for Community and Culture will be a driving force behind FCNL’s anti-racism, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work as we grow internally and expand our network. This leadership position will support FCNL’s engagement with different communities of young adults, Quakers, and people of other backgrounds who are energizing, educating, and transforming our Quaker-led community as we become more anti-racist, just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive.

Click here to learn more and to apply.

from Bobby Trice, Friends Committee on National Legislation (3/11/2022)