Published: March 16, 2024
Eric Sabelman gave this popular series at Friends House in the Fall and will be offering a Spring reprise on Zoom.
In this four-part series of discussions we will explore the question: Why do we practice silent meditation in a group, rather than alone?
Wednesday evenings, March 20 - April 10, 2024
One hour starting:
4:00 PM Hawaii = 7:00 PM Pacific = 8:00 PM Mountain
Click here to join on zoom.
Meeting ID: 897 9934 2431
Passcode: 449003
The topics for these sessions are:
• March 20 – Centering
• March 27 – Attention
• April 3 – Accepting
• April 10 – Offering
Come as you can. The sessions will be recorded, so if you miss one, you’ll have the opportunity to catch up.
from Barbara Babin, Redwood Forest Friends Meeting