Published: March 19, 2021
Greetings from a lovely rainy day in the Central Valley of what is currently known as California, USA.
I'm writing on behalf of the Decolonizing Quakers Steering Committee to ask you to submit your info for the Decolonizing Quakers networking directory:
We invite you to subscribe to the directory by providing your name, email address and your city and state/province (and monthly/local and yearly Friends Meeting names, if applicable), and send this information to John Meyer at john.decolonizingquakers-AT-gmail-DOT-com. This geographic information will facilitate connecting with others in your area for joint action and mutual support. The directory will be shared only with other participants who have shared their information; it will not be posted publicly."
If you have already submitted info, you will soon receive a copy of the draft directory with requests to fill in any gaps and to let other interested people know about the option to be a part of it.
The steering committee is looking forward to convening an online gathering of people in this directory. Keep a lookout for a “save the date” in the near future.
from Alyssa Nelson, Davis Friends Meeting (3/18/2021)