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Congress and Climate Change

Published: Sept. 17, 2021


The Eco-Spirituality Committee of Sacramento Friends Meeting asks Friends to send the following message to Congressional leaders, with the goal of making pricing carbon a top priority for legislation immediately.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2021) warns of worse climate impacts to come. Bold climate action is needed now to determine the Earth’s future. We urge both the Senate and the House to take action to help ensure a carbon pricing be included in the climate plans.

Please send this message to Congress:

We urge you, Congressman/woman (leader’s name), to support action to ensure a price on carbon be included in the climate infrastructure packages. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2021) warns of worse climate impacts to come. Bold climate action is needed now. Actions taken will determine the Earth’s future. Carbon pricing is the quickest, most active way to address C02 in the atmosphere and to ensure dividends to the citizens most in need.

from Billie Hamilton, Sacramento Friends Meeting (9/14/2021)