Published: July 16, 2021
Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC)
2021 QREC Conference — Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Integrating Lessons Learned and Leadings that Light the Way
August 13-15, 2021
At the online 2021 QREC conference, Friends will come together to share what we have learned during this pivotal time, how we’ve changed, and to prepare for the new day. We will listen together for Divine guidance as we step through the threshold from this time into what comes next. What is asked of us now? What will we take with us and continue? What are we returning to? What will we leave behind? Bring your questions, leadings and experience, and gather with our international, cross-branch community of practice. Come away inspired, with insight and resources for effective ministry, vital faith formation, and fully multi-generational community.
The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is a grassroots network of Friends holding a sense of stewardship for life-long Quaker faith formation through religious education. QREC includes Friends from all branches of our international Quaker family who have joined together to form a community of practice to share resources, skills, gifts, questions and insights, and to support each other in the ministry of Quaker faith formation.
Click here to learn more and to register.
from Beth Collea, Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (7/15/2021)